PDF Download List of Best Practice RSL Surveys A simple list of the best practice surveys that most RSL are undertaking. More...
Video Case Study (1 min) Consulting with Residents Consulting with tenants is key to meeting the White Paper requirements. This case study shows how a simple consultation about a new play park can have such a positive impact. More...
Video (5min) Using Positive Feedback to Improve Satisfaction We tend to focus on the negative feedback and fixing it. One secret RSLs often overlook is how using positive feedback can be transformational to the organisation. More...
Video (5min) How to Increase Response Rates It is amazing how many RSL put up with poor response rates. The difference between a poor response rate and one where your resident feel compelled to give you feedback is normally just a few minor tweaks. More...
Video Case Study (1 min) Settle Group's Skip Day The White Paper askes us to engage more with our tenants and let them know what activities we have undertaken. Settle group have approached this and a unique and very effective way. More...
PDF Download Best Practice New Lets Survey A multi-page guide to how to set up your new lets satisfaction survey. It includes everything from the best practice questions to how to word your survey invites to maximise the response rate More...
Case Study CCHA Lets Tenants Create New Local Playpark Their drive for improved tenant engagement and participation led them to do something many associations would never have dreamed of - they let their residents design the playpark. More...
Video Case Study (1 min) Elderpark - Local Consultations How Elderpark Housing Association have undertaken a series of community consultations to take on board the opinions and ideas of their residents. More...