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Service-User Feedback Made Easy

Public Services are under constant pressure to give their customers a method of providing feedback and measure performance. CX-Feedback automates the manual processes, escalates the attention-worthy results and allows you to track and trend your customer satisfaction and reputation.

Use multiple survey distribution methods to gather feedback from your service users. Send by email, text or online and collate the responses automatically.
Understand your organisation and users better. Escalate interesting survey responses with A.I. and Sentiment Analysis. Analyse where changes can be made on your Heatmap Response Console.
View and Report on your data with one click of a button. Automatically create dashboards and schedule PDF reports. Drive real change in your organisation.
Image Description

A.I. Reads Sentiment
and Turns it Into Real Data

CX-Feedback enables you to gather data from your Users at any point of interaction; from Events Feedback surveys to full Customer Experience Surveys. Scoring the results is automatic and intelligent, taking away the effort and time to input results manually from Paper Surveys.

Gain in-depth insight into Performance Metrics, Customer Voice and Employee Engagement. Use CX-Feedback’s Sentiment Analysis tools to get simple, easy-to-track customer feedback, and use the built-in Reporting System to create and distribute your results by email, PDF, TV Dashboard and more.

The Essential
CX Toolkit

A high-performance set of tools and functionality to help revolutionise your Customer Experience. Find out what your service users really think, gain in-depth insight into your performance and make informed changes and improvements. Create Excellent Customer Experience.

Make your Surveys Work for You

Using CX-Feedback’s intelligent, automated Analysis tools gives you more information than ever before. Save hundreds of work hours that would normally be spent undertaking paper surveys and manually inputting the data.

  • Assistive Automation takes away the manual work but keeps the control with you
  • Get better insight and make better decisions
  • Improve services in the right way – for the benefit of the Users
  • Inform the right people of outliers in the results with Selective Escalation

Keep Key Stakeholders in the Loop

Using more visual graphics, managing your data in a way that is easy for stakeholders to understand and using charts and graphs to illustrate your successes can make a huge difference in your organisation's funding decisions.

  • Use PDF Reporting to show Key Stakeholders what they need to see
  • Save time and effort with Report Scheduling
  • Dashboard Sharing for transparency with added security Control

Data Security for your Organisation

With CX-Feedback, you can show everyone exactly what they need to see to make better decisions. Create secure user groups and share all or part of your reports with confidence, knowing your customer data is safe.

  • Secure Admin access for your safety
  • Data Anonymisation to cleanse all Personal Information, while keeping your data reportable
  • Choose customised access rules for each user, keeping your private data private

See it for yourself

CX-Feedback by Target Applications Ltd is a cloud-based, digital, tenant survey and engagement tool.

We have been delivering software designed specifically for UK RSLs and Public Services since 2008.